Blog / Elixir support and improved stability in 0.0.14
The release of @codemovie/code-movie 0.0.14 adds support for Elixir and improves the libraries overall stability significantly. There are no breaking changes to any APIs, so go and get the latest version from NPM!
Support for Elixir
Elixir is a functional, concurrent, high-level general-purpose programming language that runs on the BEAM virtual machine. It is also a programming language that I know next to nothing about. But there was a feature request and sooner or later I'd have to find out how long adding support for a new language would take me anyway, so why not Elixir?
I am certain that I missed some features and that the animation heuristics probably need more tweaking. Open an issue if you find anything that does not work as expected!
Improved stability
Fixing several embarrassing off-by-one-errors reduces the occurrence of random exceptions significantly. The diffing algorithm needs to juggle a lot of different data structures an in 0.0.14, the juggling is much improved.
Other updates
- Minor improvements to TypeScript support
- Playground support for Elixir
- The modal dialog with the tutorial will only be shown once on the playground
- Switching languages in the playground will now ask whether to keep the current code, replace the current code with example code for the new language, or start over with an empty project
What's next?
Let me know how you think the Roadmap should be prioritized and which languages should get support next! Open an issue or contact me via email or Mastodon.